Saturday, March 23, 2013

3 Tips and More on How To Know Mr. Right

We all know that no one is perfect.  So when you are one your search for Mr. Right, you can't expect someone who is perfect, but you can expect someone who is perfect...for you.  Do yourself a favor before you start your search, take some time on you.  Make sure you are a secure confidant woman who knows who she is and what she wants (though I don't mean an inflexible ice queen).  Once you're at that place you will find that you will attract an awful lot of great guys since 'like attracts like'.  Once you've met someone, here are some tips to follow to determine how to know Mr Right.

1. What types of qualities are important to you?  Is honesty, humor, sensitivity, etc. what you'd want in a mate?  First you need to know what traits you would want in a man. That may sound obvious, but most people don't take the time to think about that.  Don't expect your Mr. Right to have all of these traits, but as long as he has most of them to some degree that is a good sign that you've found someone you could be happy with for the long term.

2. One trait that probably wasn't on your Mr. Right wish list was manipulative.  If your new guy tries to control you, and you have to  be careful since it can sometimes be very subtle, then my guess would be you wouldn't be happy with someone like that for the rest of your life.

3. Most women think of Mr. Right as someone they would want to marry and start a family with.  You don't want to rush it, but at some point early in the relationship there is nothing wrong with asking  him what he wants in his future.  When you ask that question don't make it about you or your relationship, but make it more generic.  For example, you could  casually ask if he thinks he'll have kids some day.  That's not an unreasonable question to ask, though you should probably wait until you've dated a few times first. 

A Mr. Right type of guy would probably answer that question with something like: " Sure, some day I'd love to get married and have kids", or something to that effect. 

If a guy gets overly sensitive or defensive to that simple question than more than likely he really isn't looking for that type of relationship with you and you might want to consider looking elsewhere.

Just remember that finding Mr. Right doesn't have to happen on some time frame, it will probably happen when you least expect it. But do yourself a favor, make sure you keep your eyes open and that you see what is really there and not just what you want to be there.  To often women will settle for Mr. Wrong because they pretended he was Mr. Right.  Follow this advice and you will know how to know Mr Right when you meet him!

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