Thursday, March 21, 2013

Natural Journey: The Forever Long Transition: Bag Lady

Natural Journey: The Forever Long Transition: Bag Lady: Erykah Badu soulfully sang " Bag Lady, you gon' hurt your back dragging all those bags like that. I guess nobody ever told you, all...

1 comment:

  1. T - I admire the fact that you are able to write so openly about your journey to self-discovery. Acknowledging the fact that there is a problem, that you don't feel whole and that you want and need to live your best life possible.

    I was talking to a few close friends about how we as women carry around so much hurt, pain, resentment and how this can lie dormant within us allowing us to never reach our full potential in our business, relationships and every day life. I suggested coming up with a service that help women to begin the healing process through conversing, meditation, reiki, reflexology, energy work, detoxing, eating right, and massage therapy.

    I am putting together a workshop with a few close friends that I'm calling "Breathe in. Exhale. Let Go". The famous words we repeat silently to ourselves when something goes terribly wrong and we try to give ourselves a moment to compose, keep from losing control and blowing up.

    What many people don't realize is that negative emotions can manifest in the body and cause a breakdown not only to our emotional state but also the immune system/physical state. If you have ever felt like you could not let one of these emotions go like anger for instance. You get so mad at someone or some situation and you think about it and try to let it go then there it is again coming back into your mind and you think about it some more and back you go getting angry about it again. It’s easy to say just let it go. In the face of difficulty, most of us do our best to cope with the situation, hold it together, and keep going, but we often end up carrying emotional pain that we don’t know how to heal or release. The toxic residue of painful experiences gets stored in our emotional heart, limiting our ability to give and receive love.

    Some of us need an outlet to release and let go!

    I haven't put a date on our first workshop but I am inviting you to join us when in fact I do. As I have inspired you in your journey, you have also inspired me to move forward even more with this workshop. And for that I thank you!
